Search/Lookup Lists

Search lists or lookup lists are a convenient way to search or manage a list of records such as your customers, vendors, products, invoices, workers, etc.  The benefit of these lists is the ability to find information quickly by using the following lookup tools:

  1. Search by category or the entire list:  A search may be reduced if a category is selected on the left pain.

  2. Sort the list by various columns such as ID, Last Name, or some other column.  

  3. Use the Find button to quickly find a record based on various key words.  Review Find Button within a list Dialog for more details on this powerful search tool.  

These lists can become very lengthy since EBMS does not restrict you to the number of items that can be entered making it very important that you have access to this information in a number of ways.

Following is an example of the Sales > Customers lookup:

The search list box consists of:

List Heading

Category Pane

Information Pane

List footer


The information in the sample list shown above can be displayed in:

As you type in text, your strokes will be displayed with a background of white while the system attempts to complete your code with the first matching ID code available. Note that the information bar moves to attempt to identify the specific information that you are searching. If you enter text that does not match any of the list information, it will be underlined in red.

A number of search lists can be opened within the main EBMS desktop. Each list can be moved and re-sized within the desktop. All lists launched from the main menu will be minimized when the EBMS desktop is minimized. Open lists will be maintained when exiting based on the Save settings on exit option found by going to the File > System Options > Settings tab. Review the System Options section of this documentation for more details.

Go to the Getting Started > System Options > Settings tab for more details on configuring the lookup list windows each time EBMS is launched.